3 Ways to Become a More Effective and Powerful Communicators

Download this Powerful Communicators map

Print it, laminate it, and hang it on your wall. Use it as a constant reminder of how to be powerful communicators.

Communication works for those who work at it. The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. The way we communicate with others and ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives.


  • What’s the outcome – the end-goal, next action, or solution -I/we want? 
  • Why is the outcome important? 
  • Am I focused on achieving a positive (win/win) outcome? 
  • Am I spending more time on a solution or a problem? 
  • What can I do to make the other person feel good, important, and valued? 


  • Do I understand and appreciate the other person’s perspective?
  • Does the other person clearly understand my perspective?
  • What’s a common ground we can build on?
  • Are there any illustrations or metaphors that could help clarify my perspective?


  • Am I listening closely to what’s being said/not said? 
  • Am I listening for meaning, not just words? 
  • Do I have good eye contact? 
  • Am I mirroring the other person? 
  • What’s my body language saying? 
  • Am I asking plenty of relevant questions? 
  • What am I doing to show I’m sincerely interested?

COMMUNICATOR meaning in Cambridge English …


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