3 Simple Ways to Internally Stimulate Wake up Early

Waking up early can be a daunting task, which is why it’s important to find ways to internally motivate yourself. We’ve all been there – you want to wake up earlier, but the snooze button wins every time. But with the right strategies and techniques, you can learn how to capture your tasks effectively and give yourself a strong sense of purpose when waking up in the morning.

3 Simple Ways to Internally Stimulate Wake up Early

Wake Up Early

Waking up early has always been a challenge for me. It never came naturally, and I had to work hard to develop the habit of getting up before the sun rose. After much trial and error, I finally discovered the secret formula that worked for me

3 Ways To Get Out Of Bed – Even When You Don’t Want To

Wake Up Early ‘Just 5 more minutes!’

  • Probably the most repeated words in history between 5-7 am

It’s not easy, but it’s good for being successful

  • Most of us don’t like getting up early (YUCK!)
  • Time and time again, getting up early has been shown to be a common trait among the most successful and productive people in the world – there must be something to it!
  • Google Search: successful early risers

There’s a better way than the irritation

  • Better than moving your alarm across the room
  • Better than using multiple alarms to drive
  • yourself insane

3 simple ways to internally stimulate waking up early

1. Move your body in small ways 

Slowly move your tongue around, then your lips/mouth, then your toes, and finally your fingers – this acclimates your body to the idea of moving.

3 Simple Ways to Internally Stimulate Wake up Early

2. Say action words repeatedly 

Say words like power, energy, excitement, etc., under your breath and with increasing energy. Your brain associates these words with a sense of aliveness, which is awakened on some level when you say them.

3 Simple Ways to Internally Stimulate Wake up Early

3. Do a countdown 

State to yourself that you’re going to slowly feel more energy to wake up while you count down from 30 seconds to 0, and when you hit 0, you’ll open your eyes and get out of bed.

3 Simple Ways to Internally Stimulate Wake up Early


  • Pick at least one of the strategies above and try it out tomorrow morning (or do all three)
  • Do a simple practice run now to experience what it’s like to do each one 

Waking up early can be an effective way to stimulate yourself internally. It allows you to make the most of your day and gives you time to focus on yourself and your goals without distractions. Creating a schedule, setting reminders, and using stimulants can all help you achieve an earlier wake-up time.

With dedication and effort, waking up early may become second nature for you. So take the first step today towards improving your mental health by setting your alarm clock for earlier than usual!

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