Nurture Your Daily Seeds of Potential


Nurture Your Daily Seeds of Potential – Every day, you wake up with incredible potential

  • You have the potential to use each day to do amazing things!
  • What you choose to do with this potential is up to you – that’s why it’s call potential and not a certainty

Think of your potential as ‘seeds’

Nurture Your Daily Seeds of Potential

Your seeds need the right conditions to grow and flourish (produce fruit)

  • They need to be treated with care, or nurtured – especially early in their existence (in the morning)

Feeling and expressing positive emotion is essential

  • Expressing thanks and gratitude
  • Reviewing and getting excited about your goals
  • Having a positive conversation

Positive emotions give your seeds life and energy

  • Positive emotions are like sunshine and water – feeling and expressing them cause your seeds to grow throughout the day
Nurture Your Daily Seeds of Potential

Negative emotion is poison

  • Frustration, anger, and stress – especially early in the morning destroy these seeds and their ability to blossom and grow into something amazing
Nurture Your Daily Seeds of Potential

Avoid these negative emotion triggers

  • Watching the news
  • Complaining – about your life or others
  • Getting angry and upset about minor inconveniences
Nurture Your Daily Seeds of Potential

Nurture Your Daily Seeds of Potential – Protect your mornings

  • Unleash your daily potential by starting each day with the best (positive) thinking and emotions


  • For the next 3-7 days, commit to expressing nothing but positive emotion in the morning
  • Find out more about GTD here.

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