Get It Out Of Your Head
Get It Out Of Your Head
C’mon…why write it down?!?
- Some people like to minimize the idea of writing ideas, lists, and goals down on paper (or digitally) for 2 main reasons:
- Speed – They feel it’s quicker to keep it in their head and only control-freaks have to write everything down
- Recall – Given time, they’re confident that they can recall any item in a moments notice, so why to write it down
What are their results?
- They easily get stress when they think about their week ahead
- Their goals are dark, fuzzy, and full of unknowns
- Feel anxiety about doing simple tasks like grocery shopping
Here’s the truth…
- Taking consistent, massive action requires clarity – clear thinking, clear ideas, and clear goals
‘Thought-hopping’ creates resistance

- When ideas and thoughts aren’t written down and you go to access them, your brain instantly starts hopping around from thought-to-thought, ‘trying to put all the pieces together’
- This is not clear thinking, and it often causes confusion and resistance to do on many levels
‘Thought-hopping’ melts your brain (kind of)
- A mind that gets stuck in a mode of ‘thought-hopping’ often becomes an environment where substantial ideas, strategies, and goals can’t take hold of and thrive
To be a person who gets things done – gets into the habit of writing it down!

- Get ideas, lists, plans, and goals out of your head and down on paper
Do anyone of the following:
- Write down 1 list (grocery list) and use it
- Spend 5-10 minutes doing a simple brain dump of everything you want to accomplish this week then spend the week doing those items and marking them done!
- Take 5-10 minutes to write all the steps you use to perform a task you do regularly (record a video, write a blog post, pay your bills) and use that plan.